Follow Your Bliss

Dawn Larzelier, Certified Holistic Life Coach

Ms. Bliss is on YouTube!

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First, let me admit this decision was not all pollyanna sunshine…

I had a personal youtube account that was recently deleted. It seems that a while back, Google bought out youtube and now all subscribers must log in with their Google accounts, which I did not have. After spending days in frustration trying to figure out how to set up a Google account and connect the two, I aparently “accidentally” deleted my Google account–which I did not realize I already had! Gah! So, along with this account went all of my family videos, old training videos, rants, recipes, etc…I tried to recover it, but this is the message I received:

“At Google, we take your privacy and security seriously. We’re committed to returning accounts only when we’re sure we’re giving them back to the accounts’ owners. Unfortunately, based on the information you provided, we were unable to verify that you own this account. To ensure that we are not compromising the security of the data, we can’t return the account at this time.”

Double GAH!!!!! I was so upset, because I recently had a dream in which I was told that this would happen. Upon waking, I recall thinking that I needed to backup all of my video files that were on youtube. But I never listened to myself and here I am living the reality of that premonition. 😦

I did what any intuitive does when she is distressed…I consulted my Guides.

I realized that I was looking at this situation all wrong. In fact, I was guided to view this as a learning opportunity. I realized that I was overlooking resources available to me and that the Universe was offering me a chance to start anew. It occured to me that I needed to create an channel for Follow Your Bliss! Yep…that’s right! Ms. Bliss (that’s me!) is taking the plunge into the youtube community where I will be offering training and tips on living a blissed out and balanced life!

Perhaps I will use this story to illustrate the importance of FOLLOWING YOUR INTUITION by TAKING NECESSARY ACTION.  🙂

At any rate, I hope to see you there!


Written by Ms. Bliss

August 28, 2011 at 2:11 pm

Posted in Uncategorized

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